Category Archives: Loneliness

The nature of loneliness

Being lonely sucks.  It hurts and wrecks your self confidence.  Here’s how I’m dealing with it.

  • Fortunately I’m moving to a new city in six months, for a new job.  Something about new starts make you more confident to make new friends.
  • I have used my loneliness to fuel crazy career ambition.  Seriously, after I broke up with my ex (lets call him Mr Sociopath) I realised that I had managed to isolate myself.  Okay, fine, I have all this time where I could be socialising, that is going into getting an awesome job.
  • I am planning two months of travel abroad.  Independent travel is great, you make new friends (usually just fleeting ones).  Why put off awesome life experiences because you have noone to go with.  Just do it!
  • I have learnt how to cook tonnes of new things, looking up new recipes and trying them out.
  • I have leant on my family like you cannot believe.  I think they’re sick of me, but they put up with it.  Because I am relying on their unconditional love.  I just need to remember to return the favour if it ever comes down to it.
  • Having one awful year in your life is not a bad thing.  Knowing you can cope with loss and loneliness will only make you stronger.

The only way to survive loneliness is to embrace it.


PS Valentine’s day creates a black hole in your heart when you’re lonely.  I’m planning to not leave the house and order in pizza. Yum.